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Saturday, August 3, 2019

Blogger Users Now Earn Money Instantly Using My Hack Tricks - No Spent! - No Writing!! - Only Tricks!!!

Hello Readers,
From last five years I am working on it and I want to share the idea with you. Because all you are my readers and supported me years. You too can use it in your mobile to earn money. I always come here with new tips and tricks on blogging. If you won't believe you can check all my posts. These all are genuine ideas and 100% working.

I don't prefer to write so much as these are all boring work to me. I always prefer to work and earn with in short time. I think you probably so much crazy to know about me. But I don't believe in such non-sense work too. Because why you are here is why i am here. There is nothing to share personal. Only tips and tricks to earn money online.

Let's start the tutorial!

I'll describe the tutorial in three steps. please don't get boring and keep reading up to end!

  1. As you are a Blogger user you probably must know about the Blogger features and tools. So I'm not going to explain all these things. If you want to know about Blogger from scratch then you can follow my previous tutorials. Now it's come about no writing as I started saying from beginning. Yes this really crazy but it's true as I simplified all these things for you. I will give you all these contents which are all copy right free materials and much more clickable on search engines so that don't have to use much more SEO techniques on it to appear on search engines. Simply you just have to download these contents and upload it to your blogs and rest will be done automatically by Google. To Download it please visit this link. As these are my hard works and I don't charge even anything from you for it, I monetized it through ads. That means while opening this link you may face ads. So I'd request you to please skip the ads so that the real links will come out. For easy download and upload process I kept all these contents part wise. In these contents you find all most more that 2000 Blogger posts which are enough to create more than 10,000 visitors a day. So now you probably come to know what I'm going to give you. Yes, more than 10,000 visitors a day and free contents which you can share with anyone. Now your mind must be started thinking - Wow! 10,000 visitors like $10,000 - I got a real jackpot! Of course you got a jackpot which can make you rich in money and that even doing nothing. Stop dreaming! There is more four steps to follow. You may take these contents and use your own idea of monetization but my best idea can take you at top most of others. So if you are so faithful kindly follow other steps.
  2. How To Upload: After downloading the contents login to your Blogger account. From the left side top dropdown list select New Blog. As all the contents are about movies so give your blog's name related to movie blogs. Then create a suitable blog address. After creating your blog go to setting and click on other setting. On the top locate import contents. Then one upload contents box will open. In the upload contents box first verify captcha then click on select file. In the select file dialog box select one xml file which you downloaded earlier. Now repeat this upload process for all xml files. Important: If you want to upload all contents in a single blog then you can but I'd recommend to create different different blogs to upload these files as this will attract more visitors. Each XML file contains at least 100 posts and some have more than 500 posts. In this way your blogs will have posts as in the XML files. Here I must have given 20 XML files so you should create more than 20 blogs related to movies blogs. If you are confuse about this you may visit my blogs which I created as,, and so on up to each one in the name of 'Movie Hunter'. Like this you can create your own. I'd request to visit these blogs to have an idea about how I'm using them. More ever I'd request to keep visiting my download link to get more and more XML files as I'm uploading more and more contents day to day. Now you come to know about how to upload free valuable posts to your blogs. Next It's time to monetize your blogs so that you can earn as much as possible. Probably $10 USD a day!
  3. Best Monetization Tools: As I said I've the best monetization tools all time working and 100% genuine. I'm already working more than five years on these tools and generated thousands of dollars. As I said I've hundreds of blogs and websites and those I created easily and effortlessly. My idea is to create blogs and websites quickly and monetize instantly so is this tutorial is about. I always prefer four monetizing tools ie Adsense, Popcash, Popads and Shortest. These are all easy to implement tools except the Adsense. I'd request to visit Popcash, Popads and Shortest which are the best platform for quick website monetization. Among them Shortest is so simple that you need not have to submit your website for approval. Simply login to Shortest and visit website scripts then just copy paste the add code to your blogs or websites. The same code you can copy to all your websites. For Popcash and Popads you need to submit your websites and wait at least one business day for websites approval. And these approvals are not harder like the Adsense. They approve all type of blogs and websites with minimal policy and requirements. That means your websites must  be approved. After approval you can copy paste the add codes to the respected sites. 
And finally I would suggest some helpful tips to better implement these tricks. Because I hack the websites which have copy right free contents regularly, so the download table is updated regularly. That means to download more and more contents you must visit the download page regularly. Download Now . Only one issue is that all the images of the content are uploaded to my server. If you want it to own then you can contact me in the below comment box.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Serious Earning At Home Using Your Computer CPU and GPU

Hey Guys, Today I have come with very important and 100% genuine money earning idea through your computer which will teach you how to earn 30$/Week by doing nothing.

Yes guys this is 100% working and I am also earning through it. Here is below my account snapshot-

This is a best platform for all bloggers and online earning source. Though this article is for earning through your computer's GPU but there are many more opportunity you can explore through this money making platform. For simple and easy understanding I will recommend to go through the idea of money making through your computer's GPU and CPU which nothing gives you hard work. Simply install this Miner App on your PC, run it and watch growing your earning.


  • One 64 bit CPU with any windows OS and having minimum 1 GB RAM installed on it
  • .Net Framework Version 4.5.2 or latest
  • Minimum 1GB GPU(Not Mandatory) for higher earning
  • Your Internet Connection
I know must of us have above configured system and some may not have GPU but still they can install the app and earn money. But earning through your CPU is very fewer than that of GPU. So I would recommend to install minimum 1GB GPU to earn $10 USD/Month. For a quick information about how much you can earn through this miner app please visit this link. If you want to purchase a minimum 1GB GPU at lowest cost (Rs. 3000/- Only) , I would recommend to please visit this link on Amazon. And at last to download the Miner App visit here.


There is no hesitation in withdrawing your money in this money making website. For your belief let me inform you that I already earned hundreds of dollars through this website and that is transferred though PayPal only. Yes guys if you have PayPal account then don't worry about your withdrawal. After you reach a minimum $5 USD in your account you can request for withdrawal and the withdrawal happens on every 10th day of a month.

I hope I have described all these in very shortly and that I needed to inform you about as the work is very easy. There are many other ways to earn money through this website. If you have any query regarding this article or any other doubt related to the money making website feel free to comment below. And thank you to all of you to read my post.

Google Account Recovery and finding the account create date

If your Google account ever gets hacked or if you are unable to get into your Gmail account because you no longer have access to your mobile phone number or alternate email address, Google will require you to answer a few security questions before restoring your account.

These questions include:

    What was the last password you used to sign-in to your Google Account?
    When was the last time you were able to sign in to your Google Account?
    When did you create your Google Account?

All these questions are required and if you are not sure about the exact dates, Google says that you can provide your “best estimate.”

It is therefore recommended that you make a note of Google account creation date at a safe place but where you do get this information from? One option is that you open your Gmail mailbox, switch to All messages and note the timestamp of the welcome message from Gmail.
gmail creation date

When did you create your Gmail account?
When did I create the Google Account?

In case you have deleted that email message, here is how you can easily find out the date when you first created you Google / Gmail account.

    Go to, sign-in with your existing Google Account and click the Create an Archive button.
    On the next page, click the Edit link against the Google+ circle option and then click the link that says “Transfer your Google+ connections to another account”
    Google will once again require your account password. Sign-in and on the next screen you’ll see your Google Account creation as shown in the above screenshot.

This is one important piece of information that will be required for recovering your lost Gmail account.

Google Account Creation Date

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Daily 50 Blogger Auto Post How To Tutorial Using PHP Mailer

So you are interested in auto blog posting. Why not? You too want to take part in race. Because everyone is ahead of you and you are still at same place because you don't have contents, don't have job, don't have idea, don't have time and even you are so lazy. yes it is right. I would like to recall a quote of Mr Bill Gates -  'I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it'. I too like to work on shortest way and that's why I created this post. So this time we will be some more tricky and become more lazy.

As the tutorial is based on PHP so you should have a PHP hosting. There are many hosting providers provides free hosting on internet. For a best free hosting visit Hostinger
. Now after creating your account verify your email and login. Now I am going to explain the full process. Please read all steps carefully.

Step I: Create Blogger blogs

Blogger is a free largest content sharing platform of the world for bloggers. Here you will write your own post and publish them. After publishing Google will take care of all the rest part ie SEO, designing, hosting, social media sharing etc. Even you can edit the Blogger template to design as you like. There is other platforms availabe for content sharing such as Wordpress, Tumblr, Typepad etc. But they don't provide email posting as better as Blogger. Even Blogger is easy to use and a new user can comfortably use it. Blogger provides maximum 50 email posting per blog per day. So if you create 100 blogs then you can post maximum 5000 email posts per day. But email sending through Gmail is restricted to 300 that means you should have minimum 10 Gmail ids to send 3000 email posts. So create Gmail ids as much as possible.

Step II: Email posting setting in Blogger

After creating blogs go to setting and locate for Email. Then locate Posting using email and set your blogs email by giving a secret word in the secretWord box. Then selct the option Publish email immediately. Now copy your blog's email id like ''. Next time you will be using this email id to receive posts via other email ids. The Publish email immediately option will publish your post immediately that means you don't have to post manually. Simillarly create other emails for other blogs and copy them to a notepad.

Step III: Use PHPMailer to send email post

Gmail itself can't post blogger posts directly to your blogs. For this you have to use PHPmailer by using your Gmail ids and passwords. To download PHPMailer visit here. After downloading upload it to your PHP hosting account and extract it. Locate send.php and edit it. Now locate gmail
$mail->Username = $abc; Here replace $abc with your gmail id. Then locate authentication
$mail->Password = $xyz; Here replace $xyz with your password. Then locate to
$mail->addAddress($email, ''); - Her replace  $email with your blog's email like Then locate line
$mail->Subject = $subject;
 Here replace $subject with title of your blog post. If you want to use multiple email ids then you can create multiple send.php file with different names by copy pasting the codes from send.php or use your own extra php codes in the same file to alternate the email ids and passwords. Please Remember - before sending through PHPMailer turn on access less secure app in Google Account Setting.
For easy use I already created an excel file with all setting. Just download it and replace your urls and copy paste those urls in your browser. Download it in Step V.

Step IV: Select Your Content 

Download the PHP zip file here upload it to your domain's main directory so that after your url these php files name will come like yoururl/test/file.php. After uploading extract the zip file and locate for a folder /test then open it and locate for the php file getextra.php. Just open it and find replace a word 'yoururl' with your domain name. Then locate for a line of codes $pos1=strpos($file1,'Replace With Starting Code');
. Replace with your content starting point and Replace with your content ending point. Starting point and end point of a webpage is important because you want to copy only articles content not the content of full webpage. For example if you choose your content from <body> tag to </body> tag of a webpage then everything of that webpage will be copied to your blog including header, pagebar, columns and footer. So locate the proper starting point of the article of the webpage by right clicking at the starting word then click on inspect element and do same process for selecting end point. After selecting the starting and end point just save the file and open it in browser by typing it. If you want to see the content then type the url yourdomain/test/content.html. If it is ok then continue otherwise change the starting point or ending point.

Step V: Create an Excel File

Create an excel file to keep urls of others website or simplydownload this Excle File to continue. Here you can see six columns named as - Hosting Website,Other Links, Short-Name-For-Image-Folder,CopyPaste1,Long Name For Subject,Hosting Website and CopyPaste2. First make a copy of this excel file for backup. Then open the excel file and press Ctrl+F and click on Replace tab. Then in 'Find What:' box write 'yoururl' and in 'Replace With:' box write the domain name where you have kept your PHP files. Or replace with my domain for a test. Then click on Replace All so that all the words 'yoururl' will be replaced with your PHP domain name. Now go to the second column ie Other Links and paste your links which you have collected from other websites. Suppose I have posted this article here and it has a web link. If you want to post my contents in your blog then copy this article's web link to your excel file in the Other Links column. Then go to the third column ie Short-Name-For-Image-Folder, here you have to write your image folder name. Suppose I have used five images in this article then all the images will be downloaded to your image folder. Also remember to keep hyphens between words for the image folder name otherwise your image folder will be named under the first word which may conflict further. Then go to the 5th column ie 'Long Name For Subject', here you have to write your artice name. Suppose this article has name ie 'How to auto post blogger post using PHP', then you have to copy this title to that column. Now everything is ready and you just have to copypaste urls from your excel sheet to your browser. Please remember to use the column CopyPaste1 first then CopyPaste2 second then CopyPaste3 third.