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Showing posts with label Blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogger. Show all posts

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Daily 50 Blogger Auto Post How To Tutorial Using PHP Mailer

So you are interested in auto blog posting. Why not? You too want to take part in race. Because everyone is ahead of you and you are still at same place because you don't have contents, don't have job, don't have idea, don't have time and even you are so lazy. yes it is right. I would like to recall a quote of Mr Bill Gates -  'I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it'. I too like to work on shortest way and that's why I created this post. So this time we will be some more tricky and become more lazy.

As the tutorial is based on PHP so you should have a PHP hosting. There are many hosting providers provides free hosting on internet. For a best free hosting visit Hostinger
. Now after creating your account verify your email and login. Now I am going to explain the full process. Please read all steps carefully.

Step I: Create Blogger blogs

Blogger is a free largest content sharing platform of the world for bloggers. Here you will write your own post and publish them. After publishing Google will take care of all the rest part ie SEO, designing, hosting, social media sharing etc. Even you can edit the Blogger template to design as you like. There is other platforms availabe for content sharing such as Wordpress, Tumblr, Typepad etc. But they don't provide email posting as better as Blogger. Even Blogger is easy to use and a new user can comfortably use it. Blogger provides maximum 50 email posting per blog per day. So if you create 100 blogs then you can post maximum 5000 email posts per day. But email sending through Gmail is restricted to 300 that means you should have minimum 10 Gmail ids to send 3000 email posts. So create Gmail ids as much as possible.

Step II: Email posting setting in Blogger

After creating blogs go to setting and locate for Email. Then locate Posting using email and set your blogs email by giving a secret word in the secretWord box. Then selct the option Publish email immediately. Now copy your blog's email id like ''. Next time you will be using this email id to receive posts via other email ids. The Publish email immediately option will publish your post immediately that means you don't have to post manually. Simillarly create other emails for other blogs and copy them to a notepad.

Step III: Use PHPMailer to send email post

Gmail itself can't post blogger posts directly to your blogs. For this you have to use PHPmailer by using your Gmail ids and passwords. To download PHPMailer visit here. After downloading upload it to your PHP hosting account and extract it. Locate send.php and edit it. Now locate gmail
$mail->Username = $abc; Here replace $abc with your gmail id. Then locate authentication
$mail->Password = $xyz; Here replace $xyz with your password. Then locate to
$mail->addAddress($email, ''); - Her replace  $email with your blog's email like Then locate line
$mail->Subject = $subject;
 Here replace $subject with title of your blog post. If you want to use multiple email ids then you can create multiple send.php file with different names by copy pasting the codes from send.php or use your own extra php codes in the same file to alternate the email ids and passwords. Please Remember - before sending through PHPMailer turn on access less secure app in Google Account Setting.
For easy use I already created an excel file with all setting. Just download it and replace your urls and copy paste those urls in your browser. Download it in Step V.

Step IV: Select Your Content 

Download the PHP zip file here upload it to your domain's main directory so that after your url these php files name will come like yoururl/test/file.php. After uploading extract the zip file and locate for a folder /test then open it and locate for the php file getextra.php. Just open it and find replace a word 'yoururl' with your domain name. Then locate for a line of codes $pos1=strpos($file1,'Replace With Starting Code');
. Replace with your content starting point and Replace with your content ending point. Starting point and end point of a webpage is important because you want to copy only articles content not the content of full webpage. For example if you choose your content from <body> tag to </body> tag of a webpage then everything of that webpage will be copied to your blog including header, pagebar, columns and footer. So locate the proper starting point of the article of the webpage by right clicking at the starting word then click on inspect element and do same process for selecting end point. After selecting the starting and end point just save the file and open it in browser by typing it. If you want to see the content then type the url yourdomain/test/content.html. If it is ok then continue otherwise change the starting point or ending point.

Step V: Create an Excel File

Create an excel file to keep urls of others website or simplydownload this Excle File to continue. Here you can see six columns named as - Hosting Website,Other Links, Short-Name-For-Image-Folder,CopyPaste1,Long Name For Subject,Hosting Website and CopyPaste2. First make a copy of this excel file for backup. Then open the excel file and press Ctrl+F and click on Replace tab. Then in 'Find What:' box write 'yoururl' and in 'Replace With:' box write the domain name where you have kept your PHP files. Or replace with my domain for a test. Then click on Replace All so that all the words 'yoururl' will be replaced with your PHP domain name. Now go to the second column ie Other Links and paste your links which you have collected from other websites. Suppose I have posted this article here and it has a web link. If you want to post my contents in your blog then copy this article's web link to your excel file in the Other Links column. Then go to the third column ie Short-Name-For-Image-Folder, here you have to write your image folder name. Suppose I have used five images in this article then all the images will be downloaded to your image folder. Also remember to keep hyphens between words for the image folder name otherwise your image folder will be named under the first word which may conflict further. Then go to the 5th column ie 'Long Name For Subject', here you have to write your artice name. Suppose this article has name ie 'How to auto post blogger post using PHP', then you have to copy this title to that column. Now everything is ready and you just have to copypaste urls from your excel sheet to your browser. Please remember to use the column CopyPaste1 first then CopyPaste2 second then CopyPaste3 third.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

A complete guide to do blogging on Blogger

Creating blogs, updating blog settings, publishing blog posts with SEO friendly techniques become easy when a techie friend guides you thoroughly from starting to end. Though we are not on a single blogging platform, but it is possible at least to become a master of a little thing. Blogger which have 50 MN bloggers today is a massive blogging platform for all its users and new comers. Though it is dynamically changing its design, gadgets, technology etc so its policy and user friendly interfaces also. Now it is easy to everyone to do blogging on their own contents and ideas as Blogger has made everything simple and easy from starting to end including earning through Adsense. So it is now a hope for bloggers to have a Blogger's Blog. So let's ready to start.

Creating a Blogger blog with perfect setting

  1. Login to Blogger by Gmail ID and password.
  2. If you are a new user then click on create new blog.
  3. If you already have a blog then look at image below. click on the blog dropdown menu and choose 'New Blog'
    Blogger Statistic
  4.  The image displayed above also shows the statistic of your blog.
  5. Now go to settings tab in the left panel. By default it will open the basic setting where you can edit blog name, description, blog address and https setting.
    Blogger Basic Settings
  6.  Now click on the Posts comments and sharing option below the Basic setting. Here you will edit how many posts to display on home page, Post Template, Share to Google+ etc. Here an important thing is if you connect your Google+ profile, it will show the options for auto sharing or promt for sharing after publishing each post. if you select yes then it will work.
    Blogger Post and Comments Setting-i
    Blogger Post and Comments Setting-ii
  7.  Next to click on email. Here you can publish your contents through email and share them with others whose email ids you will mention in the email box. Beware of spamming, because each time you publish article will automatically notify the email id holders. So it would be better to put email ids whom you know very well.
    Blogger Email Setting
  8.  Next it is Language and Formatting. Here you can choose language in which your blog will be displayed, your location and local time which will reflect in your posts.
    Blogger Language and Formatting Setting
  9. Next it is Search preference. It is an important setting for your blog as it relates to search engine. Here under Meta tags, in 'Description', you will mention the description of your blog which will be displayed in search engine while a visitor searches for your site contents. Its max length is 150 chars. It will never accept beyond to 150 chars. Another important option is 'Custom Redirect', here you can redirect your blog home page to a static page. It helps you creating your own blogger custome home page. Just follow the procedure describen in image. Next important option is Custom 'robots.txt' which is bydefault disabled. Make it enable by copy pasting the code given in image or follow a robots.txt file creation guide online and paste your own. If you don't understand this setting, then leave it blank as Blogger will automatically set their custom headers.
    Blogger Search Preference Setting
  10. Now jump to User settings. Here in the image, under User Profile it is selected as Google+ - that means your Google+ profile picture and link will be displayed at end of the post where it will be mentioned as Posted by - your Google+ profile name. If you want to display your Blogger profile instead the change the option to 'Blogger'. Here your Gmail name will be displayed near the Posted by tag.
    Blogger User Setting
  11.  And at the last the 'Other' setting is also an important setting for your Blogger blog. Here you can import and export your backups, Delete your entire blog, redirect the default feed link to your own custom feed and update your Google Analytic ID which is very helpful for showing your site metrics. Feed links are important for auto sharing your post URL to any social media. 
    Blogger Other Setting

Blogger Template and Layout

After doing a perfect setting for your blog now it is time to define your blogger layout. In blogging it is important to make place for your content as well as for your gadgets where you want to display your adds. By default Blogger already have a default setting which accommodates all requirements. Still for tricky and quick experience with design it is required some knowledgeable information. Be patience and have with me for sometime, you will be automatically influenced.

Blogger Template

i) a) Now go to the Template tab in left panel. Click on Customize, then click on Adjust width. Here you can set your blogger width for posts and side bar. It is very simple and responsive if you choose a single column layout. Try not to change the default setting. If any time you want update in width of the blog then this setting will help out sure.
Blogger Template Customize Adjust widths
b)Next click on Background. Here you can choose your blog background as images and colors. Even you can put your own image also.
Blogger Template Customize Background

c) Next click on Layout. It is the section where you can choose your blog layout as two column sidebar, single column sidebar etc.
Blogger Template Customize Layout

d) Next click on Advanced. This is an important setting for your blog design. Here you can change your post background color, link color, sidebar background color etc. More over you can find Apply CSS option to insert a CSS style into the blog template.
Blogger Template Customize Advanced

ii) Now come back to the Template tab again and click on Edit HTML. Here you can insert JavaScript, CSS, HTML and modify the template as you want. Suppose you want your blogger posts on home page to be displayed in gridview format, then you can change the template accordingly with your codes. So edit HTML also an important tool for your blog.
Blogger Template Edit HTML

Blogger Layout

  1. Then come back to the Blogger Layout tab which is also located in the left panel under the Pages tab. Here also  you can design your blog but with in the gadgets provided. Here different gadgets are available for different positions such as - Nav, Header, Crosscol-i, Crosscol-ii, Sidebar, Post or Main, Footer etc. Except post and header you can alternate all gadget positions from top to bottom or from side to top or bottom. It is very simple, just drag and drop process. If you want to add more gadgets in the side bar or in top or in bottom then click on Add New Gadget. Most popular Gadgets are - Blog Archived, All Post, Favorite Posts, Recent Posts, Labels, Pages, Link List, Google+ Follower, Subscribe to email, Search, HTML/Javascript etc.
    Blogger Layout
  2. If you know HTML, CSS and JavaScript better and have knowledge of creating your own gadget, then HTML/JavaScript gadget is very suitable for you. You can put it every where in the blogger except Blogger post. You can hide the existing header gadget and place your own Header Gadget through HTML/JavaScript gadget in the place of crosscol-i. You can put your own designed page gadget in the crosscol-ii or by adding an existing page gadget through Blogger. In the Blogger page gadget you have to choose the pages which you have created in the pages tab from left panel and saving the form. If you want your own responsive page gadgets then use the HTML/JavaScript Gadget. You can put your add codes in HTML/Javascript gadget and place it in crosscol-ii section where it will display properly or else place it in sidebar or in footer. 
    Blogger HTML/Javascript Gadget
  3.  Post Gadget: The biggest among all gadget and preinstalled which can never be removed or replaced is the Post Gadget. Here you can choose whether user can see comments on your page, Date time stamp, author name, sharing option etc.
  4. Page Gadget: By default page gadget is already added by Blogger. If it is not added then you can add it by clicking the 'Add New Gadget' link. If you open a page gadget it will show you a number of pages which you have created in page tab and a page bar where you need to drag and drop the pages you want to display to your visitors.
    Blogger Pages Gadget
  5.  Header Gadget: The Header Gadgets provides option to write your blog title, description and header image. If you want your own header image instead of blog title, then you can upload image and select the option image instead of header. If you want your image behind the blog title, then you can select image behind title, or description after image. If you want your own header designed through HTML,CSS then you can remove the header gadget and paste the codes in an HTML/Javascript gadget and replace instead of header gadget.
    Blogger Header Gadget
  6. Label Gadget: Label gadget is an important gadget to describe your posts by categories. For example if you have published an article regarding mobile technology and put a label named as mobile, then your label gadget will show a tag written as mobile. When ever a visitor clicks the tag mobile, he/she will see the post you have written on mobile only. In the label gadget you can sort tags ascending in alphabatically or by cloud that means more the number of posts in a label more will be the font size of tag with numerals of number of posts.
    Blogger Label Gadget
  7. Search Gadget: In every blog or website there should be a search tool which provides the visitors to quickly navigate your contents. You can add search tool gadget by clicking on "Add New Gadget" or by making a custom search engine through If you make a custom search engine through Google then it will give some codes to install in your blog page. So get those codes and put it in an HTML/Javascript gadget and place the gadget wherever you want your search tool to display.
  8. All post gadget: Though it is not necessary to show your all posts links in your blog, but it will be helpful to visitors to navigate all your posts and recent published posts easily. To add this gadget click on 'Add New Gadget' and search for all post gadget and place the gadget in your sidebar anywhere.
  9. Attribution Gadget: For a better attribution of your blog your blog name or copy right should be written in the attribution section. Blogger already have an attribution gadget preinstalled in the footer section you can't remove this attribution as it is required for Blogger attribution, but you can add your blog name in the attribution. Just click on edit and write your blog name before the line 'Powered by Blogger'.
    Blogger Attribution Gadget

Blogger Post

    After finishing all settings perfectly it is time for start publishing and sharing articles or posts. Now click on post tab from the left panel, then click on new post. A formatted text bar along with a writing text box will appear in front of you. Just start writing your post in the empty text box and make it beautifull by formating through format bar tools. Give a particular title to your post within 40 characters so that your post title will be same as your post link. If it exceeds 40 characters then go to the permalink option in the right hand panel and click custom permalink. Here copy paste your post title and rplace the spaces in between with dashes. Soppose your post title is 'a b c d e' then mention it as 'a-b-c-d-e'. That's it! NOw click on done button to make your permalink. Also any time you want to change your permalink, you can use the same process for.
    Blogger New Post

      Now click on Options and in the label box put a label for your post by creating a new one or by choosing existing one. Then click on done and your post will be categorized according to your label and it will appear in the label gadget. Now click on search preferences box and put keywords for your contents. It will help search engine to index your content according to your keywords. For example if you are writing an article about mobiles and accessories then you may put keywords like - 'low cost sd cards, 3.5 mm audio jack, 3000 MAH battery etc' and each keyword should be separated by a comma. If you want your visitors to disallow comments, then click on comments and disable it. Now look at the top right corner, there are Four buttons available such as Publish, Save, Preview, Close. Click on preview to see how your post is looking like, then click on Publish button or click on Save button then Close to save your post as a draft. 
      Blogger Edit Post

      Any time you want to edit your draft you can do it by clicking on the Post tab and looking upto your draft and clicking on Edit link available below the draft. If you have connected your Google+ profile to your blog and set auto sharing on, then your post will be automatically shared in Google+ or else cilck the share link below the post to share your post on social media.

      Blogger Comments

        In the comments section you can view the comments given by your visitors. You can delete or spam comments whichever you want. If you see a same comment is repeatedly given more than five times, you can select the comment and click on Spam button so that the commentor if further give comments they will be in your spam box and no more will visible to your visitors.
        Blogger Comments

        Blogger Pages

          In the pages tab you can create stand alone pages which are simillar to posts but it can be displayed in Page tabs unlike posts. You can redirect your blog home page to a static or stand alone page. Creating page is simillar to creating post rather you can't modify your permalink. So it would be better to keep page title within 40 characters.

          Blogger Campaign

            Here you can campaign means advertise for your blog through Google Adword which is not a free service. If you want more visitors to your blog then go for it.

            Blogger Adsense

              Blogger Adsense is a lucrative hope for every blogger who want to earn through their blog contents. It is very rare for Bloggers to have an Adsense account. The main and embarassing reason is your content and Adsense policy. The more genuine and more responsive contents you will have the more the chance of getting approval for Adsense. So try to keep posting twice in a week with genuine contents for two months, that means not copy paste contents or otherwise your own contents  and then apply for Adsense and wait for approval.

              And the final word

                As I told it is possible atleast to be a master of littile things, so keep faith upon yourself and continue your work. If you find extra leisure time then put it into creation of your own content. Internet is otherwise called as content repository. Here more you have content more you will be stable. So find your interests, write your interests and convert it into your contents. And your content one day will be a recognition of your interest.

                  Thursday, November 3, 2016

                  Redesigning Blogger Template as your own template

                  Yes, it is possible to make your own template on Blogger. You can do it by manually uploading your own template or by editing the present template. The Blogger template simply uses XML mark up language which you can edit in the template section or you can use your browser developer tool to edit the HTML and CSS of the blog to redesign as your own template.
                  One of easiest way to redesign your template is to search on internet for free Blogger template and upload it in your template section. The steps are below.


                  1. Go to Template section
                  2. Click on Backup/Restore
                  3. Take backup of your template.
                  4. Browse to your template then click on upload.

                  If the template is not supported for uploading then follow the second procedure as below.


                  1. Edit your blog template which you downloaded earlier in notepad and copy all.
                  2. Take backup your template by following the first procedure.
                  3. In the same template section click on Edit HTML .
                  4. In the HTML box paste the template coding which you have downloaded earlier.

                  Download the most efficient and SEO supported free Blogger Template

                  Wednesday, November 2, 2016

                  How to Redirect Blogger Page to a Static Page

                  Hi there, we often think to put all of our links and contents in a single page so that our readers will feel easy to navigate to all our content. But while writing blogs specifically in this free Blogger platform it is not easy to maintain all these things in a single page. Though you can create a page and put everything else you want to put inside but it is not always as a home page. Every time your readers visit your blog it always show a number of posts you recently posted but not a static page in which you put everything else there and wanted to show off in front of your reader. Here is an example of such type blog - Breaking Knowledge. Any time you will open this blog it will redirect to a static page automatically which will look like a website home page. So changing your blogs to your own designed website is not difficult. Even you can change your blog template as your own template and later you can redirect to third party domain which will further become a website of your own. Maintaining blog means you are almost maintaining a website. Today most of websites on internet were first blogs then became websites. It is easy and you will learn in this tutorial step by step.