-6 per minute
-3500 per hour in the Unlimited Pro
30 emails / 5 minutes
SMTP ports are blocked with this
host. Use PHPMail instead.
No Official limit
You can send up to 15 email messages per minute with PHP. Also you can not exceed 3 emails per minute if you are using Webmail client.
You can use external smtp servers like smtp.gmail.com to configure your mail clients to send bulk emails.
1000 per 10 minutes
240 emails / 5 minutes
150 per hour
70 emails / 30 minutes
Some plans have SMTP blocked and
there's no way to unblock them
500 per hour with Sendmail
1000 per session with SMTP
115 emails / 15 minutes
250 emails / 15 minutes
100 per hour
25 emails / 15 minutes
more: http://wiki.dreamhost.com/SMTP_quota
SMTP Hostname: mail.your-domain
From: Needs to be a 'DreamHost-hosted' e-mail account
E-mail Address: Enter your e-mail address.
User Name: Enter your e-mail address, again.
Password: Enter the password you set up for your e-mail account.
Secure connection: No
Authentication: Yes
Ports: 25 or 587
20 per task
100 per hour
2000 per week
18 emails / 15 minutes
the "from" email address
needs to be your_login@free.fr.
If you're using your own cron or the manual send process, you can send 15
emails every 10 minutes.
1000 emails per hour
490 emails / 30 minutes
500 per day
20 emails / 1 hour
100 per hour
500 per day
48 emails / 30 minutes
20 emails / 1 hour (if you have more than 500 subscribers)
250 per day on regular hosting
1000 on dedicated/virtual servers
5 emails / 30 minutes
40 emails / 1 hour (if you have more than 1000 subscribers)
For GoDaddy's own SMTP:
Server : relay-hosting.secureserver.net
Port : 25
Secure method : No
Authentication : No
Your from and reply-to email should belong to your own domain.
250 per hour
60 emails / 15 minutes
Method : php Mail Function
Your from, reply-to and bounce back email addresses should belong to your own
Do not leave the bounce email field empty!
100 per hour by default
45 emails / 30 minutes
2000 emails per hour
80 per hour
20 emails / 15 minutes
500 per hour
115 emails / 15 minutes
Note: Does not support third party
SMTP, except for Elastic Email and SendGrid. For those, MailPoet uses their
API on port 80. Cool!
List over 5000 emails aren't allowed, unless you use Elastic Email or
500 per hour
115 emails / 15 minutes
Note: Does not support third party
SMTP, except for Elastic Email and SendGrid.
50 per 15 minutes
45 emails / 15 minutes
100 per day
Due to this limitation, you should
not use Hotmail as smtp server.
20 / 15 minutes
20 / 15 minutes
Automatic bounce handling for
Premium users: Infomaniak forces its own bounce address, so we recommend to
use a third party email provider.
150 per hour
70 emails / 30 minutes
Unknown. They prefer not to send
any newsletters from their servers.
20 per minute
600 per hour
19 emails / 15 minutes
You can use your own cron task to
have a better frequency (every 2 minutes)
50 per minute
500 per hour
max 1000 per day
115 emails / 15 minutes
You can use your own cron task to
have a better frequency (every 2 minutes)
200 per hour
2000 per day
500 per 15 minutes
1000 per day
100 emails / 15 minutes
40 emails / 1 hour (if you have more than 1000 subscribers)
No official limits.
Don't go over board noneteless.
Make sure your FROM address is
from your own domain name.
If you send with their smtp:
1. Hostname: mailout.one.com
2. Login should be the complete email address
3. Leave the password field blank.
4. Port: 25
5. Secure Connection and Authentication should be set to “No”.
Pack Perso: 500 per day
Pack Pro: 500 per day
Pack Business: 1200 per day
Pack Premium: 2000 per day
20 emails / 1 hour
20 emails / 1 hour
48 emails / 1 hour
80 emails / 1 hour
Max per hour: 100
Method : SMTP
Server : ns0.ovh.net
Port : 465
Secure method: SSL
Authentication : Yes
Your username/password
You will be blocked if more than
5% of your messages bounce (invalid email addresses)
No more than 150 emails per
Method : php Mail function
If you're sending from OVH's shared hosting solution, you won't be able to
specify your own bounce address. A dynamic address is enforced by OVH. This
means that you'll never be able to fully validate your SPF and have a worse
reputation for ISPs(gmail, yahoo etc...)
100 per hour
50 emails and 2 second pauses
between each batch with the manual send process
E-mails are added to their own
queue so you can send as many emails as you want and then their server will
deliver automatically 100 emails per hour
200 per hour
90 emails / 30 minutes
100 per 10 minutes
1000 per day
95 emails / 15 minutes
40 emails / 1 hour (if you have more than 1000 subscribers)
Packages MX1 - MX2 - MX5
1 minute => 120 emails
1 hour => 300 emails
1 day => 400 emails
1 week => 1000 emails
Packages MX10 - MX20 - MX50
1 minute => 120 emails
1 hour => 700 emails
1 day => 1000 emails
1 week => 5000 emails
400 per hour
95 emails / 15 minutes
500 per hour
41 emails / 5 minutes
for SMTP connections
1000 per hour
250 emails / 15 minutes
PHP Mail
250 per hour
60 emails / 15 minutes
200 per hour
90 emails / 30 minutes
20 per 6 minutes
19 emails / 15 minutes
You can use your own cron task to
have a better frequency (every 8 minutes)
1000 per hour
225 emails / 15 minutes
200 per hour
95 emails / 30 minutes
250 per hour for shared hosting
500/hour for semi dedicated
60 emails / 15 minutes
120 emails / 15 minutes
100 per hour
Max 500
95 emails / 1 hour
Don't use third party applications like MSOutlook to send bulk emails. Your account will be deleted if you cross the limit by using third party applications. |