
Free Hosting
Showing posts with label File Management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label File Management. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Create a free website with free beautiful CSS themes

Create your free own websites using the bellow top level CSS themes. These beautiful CSS themes are designed using CSS which consumes less data while loading. If you have any domain in internet and want a beautiful home page then these free CSS themes may be your better option for you. Otherwise I'd request to create a free domain at hostinger and upload these CSS themes to test for a better view. Just follow a simple procedure bellow.

Creating free website at Hostinger.

  1. Open the link hostinger and sign up for a new account.
  2. Go to your email account and verify the email you have submitted in sign up.
  3. After clicking on the verification link you will be asked to setup your domain. In this click on setup.
  4. In the hosting order setup- choose Free Subdomain, then give a suitable domain name and select a domain name. Here I've selected '', you can choose others also by clicking on the drop down menu. Then click on 'Europe(UK). Then give a suitable password, then click on setup.
  5. Wait for a while as your sub domain needs to be approved. Then go to Hosting tab->click on your account or sub domain name. Then expand the plus sign of your domain name and click on 'Manage'.
  6. Scroll down to the bottom and click on 'file Manager 2'.
  7. Locate your 'public_html' directory and click on it. 
  8. Upload the CSS them which you are going to download below.
  9. IMPORTANT- You can directly upload the .rar file to the public-html directory. But before that you should edit the index.html  file according to your requirement- such as your website title, your website link, keywords etc. For this follow the procedure bellow. First extract the .rar file and go to that folder.
  10. Locate the index.html file and right click on it. Then click on 'Open with' then select 'Notepad'.  
  11. In the notepad edit the index.html file according to your requirement and save it. You can copy this index.html file and paste in the same directory for several other pages which you want to link to your home page.

Free Beautiful CSS Themes Download

  1. CSS Themes/affection.rar
  2. CSS Themes/applique.rar
  3. CSS Themes/blossoms.rar
  4. CSS Themes/chasmogamous.rar
  5. CSS Themes/chocolatebrown.rar
  6. CSS Themes/clubcard.rar
  7. CSS Themes/collaboration.rar
  8. CSS Themes/compressed.rar
  9. CSS Themes/convergence.rar
  10. CSS Themes/curiouslygreen.rar
  11. CSS Themes/decorative.rar
  12. CSS Themes/embouteillage.rar
  13. CSS Themes/enterprise.rar
  14. CSS Themes/everydayseries.rar
  15. CSS Themes/experience-jdb.rar
  16. CSS Themes/foundation.rar
  17. CSS Themes/frankincense.rar
  18. CSS Themes/gamberetto.rar
  19. CSS Themes/greenygrass.rar
  20. CSS Themes/headquarters.rar
  21. CSS Themes/longbeach.rar
  22. CSS Themes/lotusflower.rar
  23. CSS Themes/maxosdarker.rar
  24. CSS Themes/miscellaneous.rar
  25. CSS Themes/mosaic.rar
  26. CSS Themes/office.rar
  27. CSS Themes/oldarchitecture.rar
  28. CSS Themes/pamphlet.rar
  29. CSS Themes/pedestrian.rar
  30. CSS Themes/performance.rar
  31. CSS Themes/personal.rar
  32. CSS Themes/popular.rar
  33. CSS Themes/pressurized.rar
  34. CSS Themes/professional.rar
  35. CSS Themes/reckoning.rar
  36. CSS Themes/resplendissant.rar
  37. CSS Themes/roundhouse.rar
  38. CSS Themes/splendid.rar
  39. CSS Themes/spontaneous.rar
  40. CSS Themes/substance.rar
  41. CSS Themes/supplementary.rar
  42. CSS Themes/themanor.rar
  43. CSS Themes/traditionalist.rar
  44. CSS Themes/unlink.rar 
  45. CSS Themes/valentine.rar 
  46. CSS Themes/wooden.rar 

Monday, October 17, 2011

ASP.NET code for downloading files.

First create a DataGrid in your asp designer page. Add a Hyper link field to which files to be associated with  & all other setting as bellow.

<asp:DataGrid ID="fileload" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False">


            <asp:HyperLinkColumn DataNavigateUrlField="Name"

                DataNavigateUrlFormatString="FetchFile.aspx?FileName={0}" DataTextField="Name"

                HeaderText="File Name:" SortExpression="Name"></asp:HyperLinkColumn>




Look above, in order fetch files from the directory another asp page fetch.aspx is refered in the DataNavigateUrlFormatString of the hyperlink column field. So create another asp page as ‘FetchFile.aspx’  & add the following code in the page load event.

string dlDir = "downloadfiles/";

        string strFilename = Request.QueryString["Filename"];

        string path=Server.MapPath(dlDir+strFilename);

        System.IO.FileInfo toDownload = new FileInfo(path);

        if (toDownload.Exists)



            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + toDownload.Name);

            Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", toDownload.Length.ToString());

            Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";




Then come into the main asp coding page where DataGrid was created earlier & write the following code into the page loade event.

string folder = Server.MapPath("downloadfiles/");

        //Get the files by using directoryInfo class of system.IO assembly

        DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(folder);

        FileInfo[] fri = di.GetFiles();

        int countfile = fri.Count();

        //Create a table & bind the file names into cells.

        System.Data.DataTable table = new System.Data.DataTable();

        DataColumn column;

        DataRow row;

        column = new DataColumn();

        column.ColumnName = "Name";

        column.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");



        for (int i = 0; i <countfile; i++)


            row = table.NewRow();

            row["Name"] = fri[i].Name.ToString();



        //bind the table data to the data grid in designer page

        fileload.DataSource = table;
build the solution & run your main asp page. Your Data Grid will be filled with the downloadable file lists. Click any file among of them & watch your downloading.